Try This at Home
Have a quest (which is different from having a mission, which is slightly different). Here’s my bluebird tree, the result of my mother’s quest to find bluebird ornaments for my little tree.
Happiness Hack
How I love my Uniqlo vest! Light, easy to pack, warm, fits under my clothes, and has a vertical pocket that securely holds my phone. I wear it every day, throughout the winter. Uniqlo isn’t an advertiser; I just love my vest so much.
Acclaimed science writer Gary Taubes talks about his new book, The Case Against Sugar. In my book about habit change, Better Than Before, I write about the “Strategy of the Lightning Bolt” and how reading Gary’s book Why We Get Fat utterly changed my eating habits, overnight.
If you want to read my interview with Gary about his new book about sugar, get it here. If you want to read more about Abstainers vs. Moderators, I post about it here. I’m an Abstainer, 100%, and realizing this aspect of my nature has been a huge relief to me.
I give myself a demerit for dropping all my forms of work to do nothing but focus on the edits on my draft of The Four Tendencies book. To hear when The Four Tendencies becomes available, sign up here.
Gold Star
Elizabeth gives a gold star to Eliza for dealing with the college application process.
Elizabeth’s young-adult romance Flower just hit the shelves! She and Shea Olsen have written a novel that combines love, temptation, secrets, ambition, celebrity…delicious.