Happier with Gretchen Rubin
Ep. 126: Do You Struggle with Perfectionism?

Update: Congratulations to Elizabeth and Sarah, who are about to hit a milestone for their podcast “Happier in Hollywood” — tomorrow is their tenth episode. Teaser: in that episode, they interview the brilliant host of “Side Hustle School,” Chris Guillebeau. Who is a Rebel, if you’re curious. Try This at Home: Look for an under-used area of your home. Create your own “nook” like my daughter Eleanor or a “Cozy Club” like Elizabeth and Emilie. We mention the try-this-at-home tip from episode 72, of having room of your own.
**Stay tuned for the promised photos of the Cozy Corner — I thought our mother had the photo, but in her own recent efforts to clear space, she sent the photo to Elizabeth, and Elizabeth needs to find it. So hope to update with that soon! Happiness Hack: When listener Korrine realized that she often cut her laps short when she was walking a one-mile loop, she switched to walking around a lake in a 2.7 mile circuit — no way to cut it short. She’s using several of the habit-formation strategies that I discuss in Better Than Before. Happiness Stumbling Block: Perfectionism — a very common stumbling block. If you want to read more about satisficers and maximizers, read here. Send in your anti-perfectionist mantras! Here are some good ones:

Gretchen’s Gold Star: In related news, I give a gold star to all the listeners who have so generously rated and reviewed us already. We so appreciate it — it really does help new listeners discover the show.
Three Resources:

- “Don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good.”
- “Sometimes there are many right choices.”
- “Don’t get it perfect, get it going.”
- “There’s no wrong answer here.”
- “Don’t spend your time rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.”
- “Enjoy the fun of failure.” (I write about this last one in The Happiness Project.)

Three Resources:
- Want a new podcast to listen to, with the same vibe as Happier? The Onward Project is the family of podcasts that I’ve launched, for podcasts that are about “your life–made better.” Check out these great shows: Side Hustle School and Radical Candor and Happier in Hollywood.
- I’ve announced my book tour schedule, and I’d love to see a lot of “Happier” listeners at events. Info here.
- If you want to pre-order my book The Four Tendencies (and it’s a big help to me, if you do), go here.
As always, thanks to our terrific sponsors
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