More Happier: Quality Screen Time: Getting Free from Debt and Calmly Leading a Crowd. Plus, More Outer Order.

Something Making Us (More) Happier

  • Elizabeth: She’d looking forward to meeting me in Kansas City, when we’ll stay with our parents.
  • Gretchen: I get so energized when I think about creating more outer order, and I’m taking great satisfaction from the new “Getting Started: Organization Hub“on my site.

Quality Screen Time

I highly recommend Caleb Hammer’s YouTube show, “Financial Audit.”

Spotlight on a Tool

One item on my “24 for 24” list is to “Learn and experiment with AI.” As part of that effort, I just added a useful new tool to my website: an AI chat feature called the “Happiness Helpline” that uses my books, articles, and podcast episodes to answer questions.

Visit and click the icon in the lower right corner to get started.

I’ve Been Meaning to Tell You

Elizabeth recommends The Greatest Night in Pop, a Netflix documentary. 

I read this quotation Return to Earth, a memoir by “Buzz” Aldrin, Jr.

“For one period of the stay I was company commander and the lesson to be learned became clear: if you wish to lead, then you begin by taking on one of the most difficult leadership roles of all. You lead your contemporaries. Leading people who are somehow subordinate to you is, by comparison, relatively easy.”


“…all she felt was that she did not want to do anything or prevent anything, and her thoughts slowly wandered into the snow outside, without a backward glance, further and further, as when one is too tired to turn back and walks on and on.” Robert Musil, The Perfecting of a Love (Amazon, Bookshop




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