After many months, I realized that the buildings pictured on the cover of The Happiness Project are just a few blocks from the studio where we record this podcast. Fun!
Try This at Home
Lower the bar. In other words — cribbing from Voltaire — don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good. (Thanks to our producer Henry, for the hilariously appropriate musical accompaniment.)
Better Than Before Habit Strategy
The Strategy of the Clean Slate means that any transition is a great time to change a habit. It’s a powerful strategy, but one that’s not always available to us, so it plays to be on the watch for opportunities.
Listener Questioner
“Any tips for cultivating happiness when you have small children?”
We mention this little one-minute video I made, which, of everything I’ve written, probably resonates most with people: The days are long, but the years are short.
Gretchen’s Demerit
We waste food. Any suggestions?
Elizabeth’s Gold Star
Elizabeth’s writing partner Sarah lives in a neighborhood that had a neighborhood-wise garage sale.
I mention the delightful picture book by Cynthia Rylant, Poppleton in Spring. I love all the Poppleton books.