Podcast 227: Create a Time Capsule Box, Make Coffee More Luxurious, and an Interview with Comedian Pete Holmes.


We often talk about the Four Tendencies (don’t know your Tendency? Take the quiz), and because Obligers need outer accountability to meet inner expectations, it’s always fun to talk about new and ingenious ways that Obligers have created accountability. Obliger listener Gabrielle told her children that if they caught her eating potato chips, they could write on her face with a permanent marker. Problem solved!

Try This at Home

Our listener Clara suggested keeping a time capsule box for memories—a great way to deal with the combined challenges of managing possessions, outer order, decision fatigue, and memories. If you want to see Eleanor’s “memorandum box,” you can see me show it off in this Behind-the-Scenes video here (around minute 4) or read about it in Happier at Home. Here’s the Moleskin Story Box I mention.

Happiness Hack

Our listener Tammy created luxury and convenience around her morning coffee by creating a coffee station in her bedroom. One of my Secrets of Adulthood is “Everything looks better arranged on a tray.”


Gretchen with book Comedy Sex God by Pete Holmes memoir

Pete HolmesPete Holmes is a comedian, actor, writer, producer, and podcaster.

  • You may have seen his semi-autobiographical HBO show Crashing.
  • You may  listen to his popular podcast You Made It Weird.
  • You may have seen him perform in person in one of his sold-out shows, or on his three hour-long TV specials.

And now he has a new memoir, Comedy Sex God which is part autobiography, part philosophical inquiry, and part spiritual quest.

He suggests a Try This at Home

Throughout the day, repeat “Yes, thank you.”

Gretchen’s Demerit

When I was talking to Eliza one morning, I sounded much crabbier than I felt.

Elizabeth’s Gold Star

Elizabeth gives a gold star to Adam for doing the research and leg work to find the house in Palm Springs where his family celebrated a milestone birthday for his father.


  • I recently updated the PDF on my website that collects all the “Happiness Hacks” we’ve mentioned on this podcast. Download it for free at staging.gretchenrubin.com/resources.
  • If you’ve heard about my Four Tendencies Video Course, but it wasn’t the right time for you to take a course, consider taking it this summer! It’s designed to take 5 weeks with about 20 minutes per day 5 days a week OR you can go at your own pace and binge or spread out the content and go slow.

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