Happier with Gretchen Rubin
Ep. 197 – Make a Plan to Read More in 2019

We introduce our new producer Bob Tabaddor at our new home Cadence 13! We’re very excited to be here.We’re getting ready to celebrate our 200th episode, which is hard to believe. We’re going to do an “Ask Us Anything Episode,” so please send along any questions you have for us—big or small, personal or professional. Email us at podcast@staging.gretchenrubin.com.
Try This at Home
Plan to read more in 2019. Reading for pleasure is a habit that many people would like to cultivate. We talk about using Goodreads to set a numerical challenge; you can find the Reading Challenge in the left-hand column. (While you’re on Goodreads, you can add Outer Order, Inner Calm to your “want to read shelf.”) You may also enjoy my post on 13 tips for getting more reading done.
Every week, over on Facebook, I post a photo of the books I’ve finished that week, so if you’re curious to know what I’m reading, take a look there.
Happiness Hack
If you need to communicate complex instructions to several people, make a video.
Know Yourself Better
Are you avoidant?
Listener Question
A listener’s Rebel husband doesn’t replace their one set of car keys in the Key Bowl.
Gretchen’s Demerit: I promised myself that I’d add Kindle Notes in Goodreads for my book The Happiness Project 10th Anniversary Edition. I know that readers get a big kick out of these kinds of annotations. After giving myself this demerit, I did make the Notes! And it was fun and not difficult to do, once I started. You can take a look here.
Elizabeth’s Gold Star: Elizabeth gives a gold star—again—to the firefighters who have worked so hard to protect California from the terrible fires.