Try This at Home
If you’re feeling dragged down by your to-do list, try writing a “ta-da” list.
Happiness Hack
Use “PodSearch” to discovers great new podcasts.
Know Yourself Better
Kate suggested that it’s useful to know your level of ambition. Here’s the quotation I read from Lena Dunham’s book, Not That Kind of Girl, of the period when she worked as a sales clerk at a fancy children’s clothing store with two friends: “But ambition is a funny thing: it creeps in when you least expect it and keeps you moving, even when you think you want to stay put.”
Listener Question
Eugenia’s father-in-law gives her potted plants; she wishes he’d give her cut flowers. Any way to re-frame the issue or suggest a different gift?
Elizabeth’s Demerit
Elizabeth (and Adam) haven’t made much progress for Grill Quest 2017.
Gretchen’s Gold Star
Gold star for Elizabeth and Sarah! “Happier in Hollywood,” Elizabeth’s new podcast with Sarah Fain, her writing partner and longtime friend, was just named to the “New & Noteworthy” list by Apple Podcasts — a big thrill.