Note to Readers and Listeners
I wanted to let you know that Elizabeth and I recorded this episode before the shocking and despicable events in Charlottesville, Virginia, of August 12, 2017, and following. That’s why we don’t mention it. If you’d like to hear some discussion, check out this Facebook Live video from August 15.
Such events are a reminder that all of us, in our own lives, must strive in our own actions and words to live up to the highest ideals of our country. What does it mean to be a citizen of the United States?
In recent days, I’ve been thinking a lot about the wartime speeches of Winston Churchill, and also about the “America feeling” I get, for instance, from this scene from the Rodgers and Hammerstein 1943 musical Oklahoma! If you’d like to hear me describe it, listen here. And now — the show notes.
Seven Myths of Happiness
- Happy people are annoying and stupid.
- Nothing changes a person’s happiness level much.
- A “treat” will cheer you up.
- Money can’t buy happiness. Here’s the article we mention, about using money to save time to boost happiness.
- You’ll be happy as soon as you…
- Spending some time alone will make you feel better.
- The biggest myth: It’s selfish to try to be happier.
Elizabeth’s Demerit
Elizabeth didn’t plan play dates for Jack with new families.
Gretchen’s Gold Star
I love the world of Game of Thrones! I love George R.R. Martins’ books, I love the HBO TV show, and I love “Binge Mode,” the GoT re-cap show with co-hosts Jason Concepcion and Mallory Rubin.
Free Resources
- To get the pre-order bonus, you can find info here, or at happiercast.com/4tbonus. You’ll get the overview video as well as subject videos on using the Four Tendencies at work, with spouses and sweethearts, with children and students, and in health-care settings. Free now; after the book comes out, there will be a charge for the video series.
- If you’d like a free, signed bookplate or signature card, sign up here. U.S. and Canada only — sorry about that, mailing costs. Ask for as many as you’d like (within reason).
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